ALOHA ANIMAL SANCTUARY runs completely off volunteers and donations. We have been very fortunate to be the recipient of generous donations by various businesses, foundations, and individuals. All of their donations go towards caring for the animals and the maintenance and expansion of the sanctuary.
If you are interested in contributing funds or services to the sanctuary please go to our DONATE page to find our Wish List and channels through which to donate. You can also email us at info@alohasanctuary.org.

The Gift Foundation of Hawaii is also a non-profit whose mission is to encourage young people to give back to their communities. Every year they host the best Halloween party in all of Waikiki, and they donate the proceeds to non-profits of their choice! This grant was given to us solely to go towards the building of a Learning Center at the sanctuary. This educational center will be a community space, welcoming people of all ages, but geared towards programs to empower the youth. At Aloha Animal Sanctuary, we offer unique opportunities to our keiki. We hope to raise a generation of children who are connected to the animals and the land— children who will become peaceful leaders in their communities.
Nan Chul Shin Foundation

Sunshine Landscaping Company Inc offers installation and maintenance of landscaping, as well as all aspects of tree care by the company's licensed arborist. They donated $13,000 in in-kind donations with their arborist services towards making the sanctuary a safer place and enabling us to expand in our rescue work.
An anonymous donor has graciously donated a total of $7,500 towards animal care and expanding the sanctuary.
Private Donor
Team K2 generously donated their 50th Commission of 2021 in the amount of $7,000 to the sanctuary.

The Awesome Foundation is a global community advancing the interest of awesome in the universe, $1000 at a time.Each fully autonomous chapter supports awesome projects through micro-grants, usually given out monthly. These micro-grants, $1000 or the local equivalent, come out of pockets of the chapter's "trustees" and are given on a no-strings-attached basis to people and groups working on awesome projects.