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Meet Anna. She and her sanctuary sister Elsa came from a local goat dairy farm. On any kind of dairy farm, in order for goats or cows to produce milk, they must deliver a baby first. In order to continue producing milk, many babies must be delivered throughout their lives. 

Anna was a runt and would not have produced as much milk as the others, so she was going to be sold online for her meat. Thankfully, she was donated to us by the farmer so she could live out the rest of her life with her sister!


In dairy, the animals only live a small portion of their lives before they are killed, and their value is dependent on the amount of milk they produce. At the sanctuary, we believe every animal has inherent value and deserves freedom and protection. 

Anna is a total sweetheart and requests constant cuddles! She is a lap goat, and will find any way she can to get as close to you as goatly possible! 


Price Options
Monthly Sponsorship
$20.00every month until canceled
  • At Aloha Animal Sanctuary, we run completely off volunteers and donations like yours. There are no paid positions here. All donations go towards caring for the animals. 

    Monthly Sponsors receive:

    • Certificate of Sponsorship

    • 3 Sanctuary logo stickers

    • Quarterly updates  

    • Portrait of sponsored animal

    ​Sponsors who support more than one resident or donate more than $40/month are eligible to receive a hoof print package of their sponsored resident/s!

Aloha Animal Sanctuary

We do not have normal business hours to accommodate drop-ins. 

Please see our CONTACT page to find out how to schedule a visit to the sanctuary.

Mailing address:

P.O. Box 4030

Kaneohe, HI 96744


EIN 83-1947197

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