Louie is a special needs rooster who was hit by a car, resulting in a permanently fractured pelvis and a broken wing. Due to these injuries, Louie cannot fly or walk for long periods of time. One of our friends, Sue, a bird rehabber, cared for him until he was healed. She cared for him for months and is the reason Louie is alive today.
Though Louie and Gary used to be a pair, today Louie has found love in his partner Pepper the hen!
At Aloha Animal Sanctuary, we run completely off volunteers and donations like yours. There are no paid positions here. All donations go towards caring for the animals.
Monthly Sponsors receive:
• Certificate of Sponsorship
• 3 Sanctuary logo stickers
• Quarterly updates
• Portrait of sponsored animal
Sponsors who support more than one resident or donate more than $40/month are eligible to receive a hoof print package of their sponsored resident/s!