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Moana was found by 2 little girls alone at the Windward mall parking lot. She couldn’t even stand and was getting soaked by the rain. These little animal warriors found her and begged their mom to help. They all brought her home and cared for her, and she lived. They raised her inside until she grew into an adolescent hen, and at that point they reached out to the sanctuary. Luckily, we had just adopted Hei-Hei and were looking for a friend for him.

Moana was brought to the sanctuary and is now living out her life in peace with Hei-Hei. When she was younger, she liked to perch on the heads of volunteers and dig around in their hair. However, now she is much less social with people and prefers to spend her time alone with Hei-Hei. The two of them snuggle up every night. Hei-Hei often will watch over Moana while she eats and has been observed feeding her treats like bugs or cockroaches. The two of them are very bonded and a great match!


Price Options
Monthly Sponsorship
$20.00every month until canceled
  • At Aloha Animal Sanctuary, we run completely off volunteers and donations like yours. There are no paid positions here. All donations go towards caring for the animals. 

    Monthly Sponsors receive:

    • Certificate of Sponsorship

    • 3 Sanctuary logo stickers

    • Quarterly updates  

    • Portrait of sponsored animal

    ​Sponsors who support more than one resident or donate more than $40/month are eligible to receive a hoof print package of their sponsored resident/s!

Aloha Animal Sanctuary

We do not have normal business hours to accommodate drop-ins. 

Please see our CONTACT page to find out how to schedule a visit to the sanctuary.

Mailing address:

P.O. Box 4030

Kaneohe, HI 96744


EIN 83-1947197

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