The Reason
The sanctuary has the ability to positively affect the environment, community health, and animal welfare. Here's how...
Animal agriculture is the leading cause of species extinction, ocean dead zones, water pollution, and deforestation. Up to 137 plant, animal, and insect species are lost every day due to rainforest destruction in the name of animal agriculture.
Every year, over 56 billion land animals are killed for food. These animals are bred into existence purely for human consumption, and require lots of water, grain, and land. 1.5 acres of farm land can produce 37,000 pounds of plant-based food, but the same 1.5 acres can only produce 375 pounds of beef.
The lead author of a recent Oxford University study, the biggest ever conducted of global agriculture and one that has been praised by other researches in the field, stated that "adopting a plant-based diet is the single biggest choice an individual can make to make the greatest positive impact on the environment."
We primarily hope to inspire our visitors to adopt a plant-based diet, by teaching them about the negative consequences animal agriculture has on our islands, and by helping people form a compassionate connection with the animals affected by our dietary choices.
Additionally, at the sanctuary, we are growing an organic, sustainable garden with native fruits and vegetables. We are building our heated compost piles to compost all of our food scraps, green waste, and animal waste. Some of our upcoming sustainability projects include developing our rainwater catchment and utilizing solar energy. Every event at the sanctuary is done with the intention of being zero-waste, meaning visitors are encouraged to bring reusable dishes and cutlery, to collectively reduce our waste.
We hope to inspire and educate people how to incorporate all of the above practices into their own daily lives.

According to the American Diabetes Association, approximately 142,000 people in Hawaii, or 12% of the adult population, have diabetes. Diabetes has been directly correlated with the over-consumption of processed meats (spam, bacon, Portuguese sausage, etc.)
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in Hawai'i; cardiovascular disease and stroke are responsible for almost 4,000 deaths per year (per Hawai'i State DOH). Over-consumption of animal products is directly correlated with heart disease.
A number of studies have shown a link between increased consumption of red meat and an increased risk of colon cancer. (Harvard)
Animal products (such as meat, eggs, and dairy) are high in caloric and fat content, are also connected with increased rates of obesity.
The risk of developing Diabetes (Type II), cardiovascular disease, colon cancer, and/or obesity can be reduced by adopting a balanced plant-based diet.
Blue Zones are the places in the world where people are the healthiest and live the longest. One common thread amongst Blue Zone areas is that these populations are about 95% plant-based--only 5% of their diet comes from meat, dairy, or eggs.
The photo on the right is a real photo taken here, on O'ahu, of pigs being transported to the slaughterhouse. The pigs are all less than one year old, and are crammed so tightly onto this truck that they cannot even move.
This is 100% legal behavior in Hawai'i. The laws that protect farmed animals here are pathetic and do little to prevent cruelty from happening to them. Farmed animals can have their ears and tails cut without anesthetic, they can be castrated without any pain relief, and they can be kept in tiny cement enclosures without ever being let out to enjoy the sunshine. Here on O'ahu, we have factory farms for pigs, chickens, and egg-laying hens that look no different from the mainland factory farm and slaughterhouse operations.
Smaller-scale farming hurts animals too. At any given moment you can conduct your own craigslist search and find pigs for sale, who are being farmed in horrific conditions. You can find roosters who are being sold for cockfighting, and goats and rabbits being sold for their meat. With little oversight and a farming system that prioritizes money over animal welfare, with little transparency, it is no wonder animal cruelty is so prevalent.
We hope to shed light on the plights of farmed animals and educate the public about animal agriculture. We advocate for compassion and kindness towards all.
If we can live happy, healthy lives without unnecessarily causing harm to others, why wouldn't we?